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Welcome to Aid from Abroad Inc., where compassion meets action. Our team is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in communities through sustainable initiatives and humanitarian aid. Join us in our mission to create a better world for all.

Michel Sakr

If someone would ask Michel to introduce himself in a couple sentences, his first thought would relate back to home and where he grew up. As a proud Hamatian living in Canada to study, he always felt a sense of belonging and attachment to my village, Hamat.. Its trees, its roads, its valleys, its houses, and its people kept him in a state of nostalgia. On his visits, a random encounter with a fellow Hamatian fills up his heart with warmth triggering all the childhood memories that built up who he is today. People with that much love in their spirits will always deserve our love back and our efforts to ensure they encounter no dark days ahead. With the economical crisis closing in on Lebanese, acts of kindness and support from our organization is how we will put a smile on the faces of our once neighbors. Why? A smile on one child’s face in Hamat will always keep Micho’s existential belief in love- the true driver of his life and faith in humanity.


  Aid from Abroad Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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